Robert Kopfer, my grandmother Laura’s father, passed away in 1908. The sale of his farm, 171 acres, was made necessary by the fact that upon his death he was indebted to the tune of $4,000. This debt is recorded on page 2 (See Document Two below) of the Will (See Document One below) and agreed to by the executors of the will: Mary Kopfer (wife of Robert), William Charlesworth, and Mary’s brother Henry D. Temma. It had to be very tough on Mary. Looking into the will one realizes that her six children are identified as minors at the time of Robert’s passing.  The farm itself was valued at $2,000 as found on page one of the will.

As of today, May 18, I am posting a screen shot of the will as a partial image with the hope of figuring out how to make the whole document fit the screen and still remain legible.


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