The first of our American ancestors appeared at the landing in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. It went downhill from there for a decade or two. The traffic of ancestors increased in the decade beginning in 1620 and things started picking up in the 1630s especially in Thee Kingdom of Accomawcke. The story of the Littletons and Whittingtons begins in England in the centuries prior, in Frankley Manor of Shropshire and Pauntley Manor in Gloucestershire. They were challenging times, conflicts of all kinds arose continuously for our ancestors. They were caught between Native Nations, religious entities, British politicians and corporate investors. And there was always the need to put food on the table and product on board ships sailing east to England, or Holland, or the Carribbean, or Boston…. you get my drift.
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A long look at ancestors settling in Lancaster County PA and New England has been in the works for several years. I need to pull O’Brien into the office (on our back deck) and see if we can get him to improve the script. I’ve been developing the research for some time now and hope to encumber my friend and accomplice with a few files while he winters away in Montreal. I still don’t understand his need to go north for winter, although I do understand he has family there.