After authoring the dramatic suspense novel, Secrets In A Forest, Dr. O’Brien clearly needed a light hearted return to earth. Whit’s End, the Novel, the first volume in The Trilogy, provides an escape hatch best approached with a good sauvignon blanc. Click image to buy. The book, not the wine.
People Who Intend to Read Whit’s End, The Trilogy, have this to Say:
First, this worrisome voice of an aging widow with too much time on her hands:
“I resent the tone of voice the author uses when he casts a British character into one of his fictitious scenes: Walpole, Nibblesby, Hollister, Bitterly et. al, are all good people. I know each one of them. It is very disconcerting, as a Brit, to find my compatriots portrayed in a manner that suggests anything less than sterling character and intelligence. Really, it is quite appalling, and I intend to take my complaint to the Registrar for Reporting Offenses to the Sensibilities of Anything British.”
-Magdalene Upton Thatcher, Tipton Darbytown, Wiltshire, England
“I object to the notion that the Conservative Party has failed England and is somehow at fault for a breach in security measures at Whittington Castle. Funding our national treasures is important to the Party and always shall be, just so long as we in the corporate world can maintain our profit margins and exceed our hopes for quarterly returns.”
-Lord Basil T. Rathmullen III, Esq, Wensleydale-on-Rye, England
“This book is a superb example of how American public schools have overcome all the odds and produced something that can be considered legible. The choice of fonts, the font size and the paper upon which everything is printed is first rate. I had no problem turning the pages and getting to the end of this text.The author, a product of his own imagination, has created a family history that defies even the most ardent reader to dive in and find something of value. Kudos to anyone who has survived contact with the author!”
—Thee Lady Etheline Durstwoodie of Kilby Snedrow
“I had hoped to read this book when I had nothing better to do with my time. That was months ago. Fortunately, my life has been one exciting moment after another, and I haven’t had time to settle in with this epic adventure. But when things slow down, after the Premier League season ends and Britain Has Talent goes into reruns, I might just cuddle up with a warm spot of Earl Grey and a good book. It will help immensely if this book has any photos of Tottenham players standing topless on the pitch.”
-Sarah Lyttleton, Lady Watling of Thimblesby and Tigmore, Wales UK
Lady Watling: Please see page 339 of the recently released Whit’s End, The Novel. We think you will find what you are looking for, and then read the book. –S O’Brien and Claire
“Many of these testimonials are bizarre, truly off the wall, and do not belong in a story of my illustrious family. I am dumbfounded to find my family descends from so many royal family members and aristocrats. At every turn of the page I meet another famous name, a person I ignored as a schoolboy, sleeping my way through world history, Brit lit and the plays of Shakespeare. I was nearing the end of this terrific book when another inmate stole it and I can’t transfer into his cellblock!”
-Wild Bill Hempstead, San Jacinto Youth Center, Melatonin CA
“I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Really, I don’t. I put my watch on the dresser and the book alongside my dentures. The next thing I know I’m being swept away by security and told I can’t wear my knickers about my neck when I go to dinner. What are knickers for if not one’s neck? And now this! I can’t seem to fit my fork into the pastry on the plate before me. I rather enjoyed this book. Does anyone wear camel hair these days?”
-Alice B. Thornes, Lead Singer for Acid Reigns, Melbourne, Australia
“The ‘testimonial’ provided by Ms. Thornes of Melbourne, is proof that generations of interbreeding amongst the aristocracy of the United Kingdom had debilitating effects on the genetic make up of present-day descendants. Either that or Ms. Thornes overindulged in self-medication. I suspect both are true. I doubt that she remembers any of us here at Broken Hill Correctional Centre in New South Wales and the fifteen penalty units we covered for her.”
-David ‘Modesto Pete’ Dawson, Broken Hill
* * *
A Word From Our Publisher: Sir Walter Willoughby Morris II, Lord of Timbly Sexton, Manchard Crossing, Derbyshire, England
“Please read this book. We couldn’t find anyone who had read it, so we used all these ridiculous entries taken from our blog-site over the years. Read this book and send a winning testimonial and we will provide a token for a parking garage in South Dilby Linsmore, Yorkshire, England.”
At Rushing Water Publication we refer to Sir Walter Willoughby as our Head of Waste Management. “Waste not a word,” is our corporate brand.
Update to the publisher’s plea for testimonials: Since the release of Whit’s End, we do have several promising responses. They are written in a language sometimes spoken in Moldova, an eastern European Republic. Once we figure out how to use Google Translate we will broadcast the message.
Update to the previous update: This just in: We do have a translation: “Please help us. We fear for our lives. Russia appears ready to spill out of Ukraine into our beloved Moldova! Send Javelin Anti Tank Missile Systems, heavy artillery, howitzers, tactical drones.” –We love America! Boris, Vlade and Krystina
Note to the Editor of this webpage: Are you aware that you have over-extened your use of colons? You have three colons in your final update. A colonoscopy may be necessary.
Excerpts From Whit’s End
Also available on Amazon, a novella: Whit’s End, The Sequel
A Rushing Water Publication